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  • πŸ€ Basketball, Domains, & Product Skills Newsletter (InboxReads #98)

πŸ€ Basketball, Domains, & Product Skills Newsletter (InboxReads #98)

This week's newsletters cover basketball, business names, remote work, and more!

We want to connect with NBA nerds from anywhere and everywhere, weaving today's news with yester-year's happenings. We are writers, fans, amateur historians and storytellers, but above all else, we are in the business of public service, providing you, the reader, with clean, thorough and entertaining news and notes from the greatest sport in the world. Never miss an NBA moment again.

The Product Person is a curated collection of 100+ articles & blog posts to improve your product skills delivered to you, 1 article a week + a summary, in a free weekly newsletter.

Next time you’re making an app from scratch, consider using a fully functional React Native app template. Save weeks of design and development, by leveraging beautifully designed starter kits.

Use code INBOXREADS to get 10% off any app.

Find names for your next venture. All names are available (aka unregistered) and sent out every few days.

Bullet Points is a daily email newsletter providing fact-based news without bias. We cover the top stories in <5 min read. It's free, try it!

Insightful content and top products around remote working delivered weekly.